BICOM Bioresonance therapy is one of the most effective non-invasive therapies for treating addictions like smoking, drinking and drug abuse to name a few.
A. Tobacco Smoking / Chewing
Smoking or chewing eventually induces nicotine in our body. Cells use electromagnetic frequencies to communicate with each other. When nicotine is induced in the body, this communication is interrupted by its frequency leading to disruption and thereby addiction.
With the help of BICOM Bioresonance therapy, the frequency of the nicotine and the body is identified by the device and the former is inverted and sent to the body cells again. The process is known as phase cancellation. This causes body cells to eliminate the memory of nicotine and return to a normal state. The process also activates the detoxification system of the body, thereby leading to elimination of nicotine from the body through kidneys and skin.
The therapy needs 2 – 3 sittings of 40 hour each to be effective and help you quit smoking completely.
B. Alcohol Consumption (Drinking)
Alcohol Addiction is very common in our country and is known to have tremendous ill effects not only on health but also on one’s social life. Contemporary medicine and therapies are mostly drug based and can be difficult to follow. BICOM Bioresonance therapy offers a simple and easy to follow session that enables patients get rid of this addiction in no time.
Like in case of smoking, the therapy works at the cellular level of the body and is completely safe and non-invasive.
Usually it takes 6 sittings of 30 minutes each to nullify the electromagnetic frequencies of alcohol. However, it depends on the level of addiction. The therapy is tailor-made as per the patient’s condition. Patients are counseled to comprehend the condition and thereby treated effectively.
C. Drug Abuse (Over Dose / Consumption)
Drug Overdose or Abuse has affected the young in our country. Tradition treatment offers medicines which are again addictive and have limitations. The cravings of drugs like heroin return once the effect of medicine subsides and it becomes almost impossible for the patient to resist. The withdrawal symptoms are deadly in many cases.
BICOM Bioresonance therapy on the other hand works with the electromagnetic frequency of these drugs, identify them and invert them and send back to the body so body cells lose the memory of these frequencies and go back to the normal state, thus effectively helping body to quit drugs.
The therapy includes counseling and various sittings depending upon the drug abuse level.
Allergies are one of the most difficult ones to tackle with. The treatment offers only a relief in most cases and the cure is nearly as impossible in conventional medicine.
BICOM Bioresonance therapy works on the principles of electromagnetic frequencies. The device identifies the frequencies of various allergens. These frequencies are said to interrupt with the cellular frequencies of the body causing ailments like migraine, dermatitis, gastritis or constipation, etc. BICOM nullifies these frequencies of allergens and help the cells of the body restore its original frequency and normal state.
Allergy-linked Ailments treated with BICOM –
Usually it takes 12 – 14 sittings for these treatments. Our veteran therapists provide you professional consultation to understand your condition and according advise and follow the treatment course.
Lifestyle linked ailments or disorder are pretty common today. With hectic work schedules and increasing competitiveness, the pressure to keep up with things and meet expectations boosts up. This takes a toll on both, mind and body leading to disruption in body. Many even face depression, loss of appetite, overeating and not able to manage stress.
With the help of BICOM Bioresonance therapy, these imbalances can be restored to normal. The cellular level therapy is effective and non-invasive, free of drug and hence completely safe, unlike the traditional medicine where one often worries about taking heavy pills for depression or stress relief.
Our therapists provide counseling to the patients before and during the therapy so as make it effective.
Lifestyle linked Ailments treated with BICOM –
A health mind and body is more productive and happy. No matter what. Our social and economic surroundings and our habits certainly have an effect on our body. And it is necessary we take care and sustain a balance within.
BICOM Bioresonance Detox Program is a health boost program that helps throw
away toxins from the body. The therapy being working on cellular frequency is the most effective one which leaves you feeling fresh and healthy.
Health Boost/ Detox treatments with BICOM –