Allergies are one of the most difficult ones to tackle with. The treatment offers only a relief in most cases and the cure is nearly as impossible in conventional medicine.
BICOM Bioresonance therapy works on the principles of electromagnetic frequencies. The device identifies the frequencies of various allergens. These frequencies are said to interrupt with the cellular frequencies of the body causing ailments like migraine, dermatitis, gastritis or constipation, etc. BICOM nullifies these frequencies of allergens and help the cells of the body restore its original frequency and normal state.
Allergy-linked Ailments treated with BICOM –
- Migraine
- Skin Problems like Dermatitis
- Constipation & Gastritis
Usually it takes 2 – 4 sittings for these treatments. Our veteran therapists provide you professional consultation to understand your condition and according advise and follow the treatment course.